Woodlawn Station

Chicago, IL 60637

  • Exterior of Woodlawn Station
  • Exterior of Woodlawn Station
  • Exterior of Woodlawn Station and stairs
  • Cottage Grove Sign
  • Woodlawn Station Rooftop Deck
  • Woodlawn Station Kitchen
  • Woodlawn Station Livingroom
  • Woodlawn Station Livingroom
  • Woodlawn Station Bathroom
  • Woodlawn Station Interior
  • Woodlawn Station Interior
  • Woodlawn Station Interior
Project Type
Community Revitalization
Year Built
Acquisition Date
Number of Units

Woodlawn Station was the last phase in POAH's Woodlawn Choice Initiative, a broad effort to rebuild and revitalize the Woodlawn community and encourage re-investment in this South Side neighborhood of Chicago.

Located at the entrance to the CTA's Green Line station at 63rd St. and Cottage Grove Avenue, Woodlawn Station features 70 mixed-income units, 55 in a four-story building at 63rd and Cottage Grove and 15 on scattered sites a block to the south on Maryland Avenue. The completion of Woodlawn Station marks the fulfillment of POAH's mission to create replacement apartments for the residents of the demolished Grove Parc Plaza along Cottage Grove Avenue.

The sustainable building features a solar thermal system, enhanced insulation and a tight building envelope. Woodlawn Station has a modern feel with metal panels on the exterior and polished, concrete floors, exposed duct work, white concrete ceilings, and kitchen islands made from recycled materials. Many apartments are adapted for handicapped accessibility, and some have views of downtown Chicago. The building includes a computer room, roof deck and a community room. The building also includes 15,000 square feet of first floor retail space, occupied by Daley's Restaurant, Red Clay Dance Company, and the UPS Store.

To learn more about POAH's work in Chicago, view the brochure or watch the video.

Project Partners
  • Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA)
  • City of Chicago
  • US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • BMO Harris
  • Nia Architects
  • Skender Construction