Bay Meadow Apartments

100 Bay Meadow Road
Springfield, MA 01109

  • Bay Meadow Apartments exterior
  • Bay Meadow Apartments exterior with tree
  • Bay Meadow Apartments playground
  • Bay Meadow Apartments pool
  • Bay Meadow Apartments unit dining room
  • Bay Meadow Apartments unit kitchen
Project Type
Acquisition and Renovation
Year Built
Acquisition Date
Last Renovation
Number of Units

Springfield is the largest city in western Massachusetts and more than half of its residents experience a high housing cost burden, meaning they must devote more than 30% of their household resources to housing costs. Solidly built in 1943 as military housing, Bay Meadow was converted to affordable housing in the 1980s. With its 100% project-based rental assistance through the Section 8 program, the property represented an irreplaceable affordable housing asset.

Sited on twelve acres quite near Interstate 291, Bay Meadow’s condition belies its age; it has been carefully maintained as an attractive campus with appealing landscaping, sizable children's play areas, a community center and an outdoor swimming pool.

POAH largely directed its attention to improving the site’s energy efficiency including new windows, an upgraded heating system and additional insulation in attics, basements, and other exposed spaces to ensure the property will continue to be a resource to families in Springfield.

The residents of Bay Meadow also benefit from POAH Communities’ enrollment in HUD’s PILOT program for the Family Self Sufficiency program through which families are provided opportunities for education, job training, counseling and other forms of social service assistance to obtain skills necessary to achieve self-sufficiency. 



Project Partners
  • Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation (MHIC)
  • MassHousing
  • US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • Dietz & Company Architects Inc
  • Keith Construction, Inc