Dom Narodowy Polski Apartments

144 Cabot Street
Chicopee, MA 01013

  • Dom Narodowy Polski building exterior facade
  • Dom Narodowy Polski exterior and parking area
  • Gazebo
  • Gazebo interior
  • unit living room
  • unit living room seen from loft
Project Type
Acquisition and Renovation
Year Built
Acquisition Date
Last Renovation
Number of Units

Located near the town-center of Chicopee, Massachusetts, Dom Narodowy Polski Apartments is also known in town as The Polish Homes. The property includes two attached brick buildings with elevator access. The original building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and dates back to 1910.

POAH purchased a portfolio of properties including Dom Narodowy Polski in 2007 to preserve their affordability. Financing for the purchase was provided by a MassHousing mortgage and equity proceeds from the syndication of low income housing tax credits (LIHTC), facilitated by Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation (MHIC).  

To address the long-term energy efficiency needs of both Dom Narodowy Polski buildings, POAH undertook a variety of renovations, including installing new windows and high efficiency heating, cooling and hot water systems. POAH also replaced the roofs of both buildings and made facade repairs to reduce water penetration. The community room offers a range of services, classes and meetings of interest to residents such as Brown Bag program and cholesterol, blood pressure and glucose screenings. 

Project Partners
  • Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation (MHIC)
  • MassHousing
  • US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • Dietz & Company Architects Inc
  • Keith Construction, Inc